Portraits 1986-1987

Portrait of Johannes Sanders, 1986-1987
Oil on canvas, 165 x 99 cm

The secret desires of migratory insects, 1986
Oil on canvas with ceramic jar, 76 x 101,5 cm

Personal and national disaster, 1986
Oil on canvas, 76 x 85 cm

First portrait of Capt. N. of Artillery, 1986-1987
Oil on canvas, 175 x 155 cm

La Madone du Dernier Rire, 1986
Oil and acrylic on canvas, 80,5 x 39 cm

Still Life with Mr. McIntosh, 1986
Oil on canvas, 134,5 x 73,5 cm

Important Woman with knife and spoon, 1986-1987,
Oil on canvas, 112 x 76 cm

Home of the Brave or the Melancholy of an American Politician, 1987
Oil on canvas, 223,5 x 120,5 cm

Dignity in the face of circumstance, or Portrait of Mrs. H., 1987
Oil and acrylic on canvas, 122 x 124,5 cm

Problème d’Hystérie ou Portrait de Leroy Normale II, 1987
Oil, acrylic and enamel on canvas, 94,5 x 89,5 cm

Illusions de Grandeur, ou Portrait de G.K.,1986
Oil, acrylic and enamel on canvas, 131 x 74 cm

Portrait of Eileen, 1987
Oil and acrylic on canvas, 30 x 35,5 cm
Collection particulière, Nice

Problème de la stupidité masculine, 1987
Oil and acrylic on canvas, 166 x 100 cm

Homme Triste, 1987
Oil and acrylic on canvas, 200 x 120 cm
Private collection, Nice

Portrait de Loulou, 1987,
Oil and acrylic on canvas, 66 x 76
Private collection, Royaume-Uni

Portrait de B.F. attendant la réponse,
Oil and acrylic on canvas with plastic tube, 95,5 x 90,5 cm
Private collection, Nice

Portrait d’une grande dame commandé par elle-même pour démontrer ses vanités, 1987
Oil, acrylic and enamel on canvas, 130 x 85 cm
Private collection, Nice

Danger of Pretention, or Portrait of DB, 1987
Oil and acrylic on canvas

Ignorant accident, or Portrait of JS, 1987
Oil, acrylic and enamel on canvas, 75 x 113 cm

Fear of Ugliness, or Portrait of Mrs. B, 1987,
Acrylic on canvas , 92 x 145 cm
Private collection, UK

Plus besoin de suicide, 1987, huile
Acrylic and enmal on canvas, 155,5 x 103 cm
Private collection, Nice