Christine Finizio, Artistic Director
Aurélie Venot, Web publishing and communication manager
Léah Geay, Web publishing assistant
Documents d’Artistes Bretagne
41 rue Charles Berthelot
29200 - Brest (FR)
02 98 80 33 27
DDA Bretagne’s offices are located in the Centre d’art contemporain Passerelle, in the Saint-Martin neighborhood of Brest.

In 1999, at the instigation of the DRAC Provence-Alpes Côte d’Azur, Documents d’Artistes was founded with the objective of organizing and distributing documentation of artists who were based in this region and were likely to give an account of the artistic dynamism of the region. At the beginning of the project, for Marceline Matheron and Christine Finizio, it was about imagining a tool that would make it possible to share this documentation with a broad public and to collaborate with the artists to this end. At the same time as Documents d’artistes was being set up with artists’ studios and organizations for production and distribution at the Friche la Belle de Mai, the idea of creating a digital resource and putting the files online was born. Documentsdartistes.org is the first website to provide access to a resource designed with artists and about their work. Simultaneously, Documents d’artistes is committed to the training and support of artists by offering, in particular, the first workshops on the position of the artist.
In 2009, based on the work carried out in Provence-Alpes Côtes d’Azur, Christine Finizio founded Documents d’artistes Bretagne, quickly joined by Aurélie Venot.
Situated in the heart of the Centre d’art contemporain Passerelle, the Documents d’artistes Bretagne project has developed over the years alongside a set of regional actors. With the ambition of supporting and giving visibility to emerging artists, DDA Bretagne has been collaborating with EESAB since 2012 on the professional practices program and the BASE platform (since 2013), as well as with Passerelle for the Chantiers residencies.
Documents d’artistes Bretagne continues to expand its impact by participating in the dissemination of projects in the region and by producing additional resources - textual, filmed - on the work of the artists. To support its activities, Margaux Germain, Léah Geay and Anaïs Touchot - artists of the BASE and DDA Bretagne network - collaborate with the team.
Documents d’artistes Bretagne carries out its mission and work within a network of actors:
◦ on a national scale as a co-founder of the Documents d’artistes Network. The Network is a member of CIPAC, a federation of contemporary art professionals. It benefits from a partnership with the Centre national des arts plastiques for the translation of instructions linked to the artists’ files.
◦ on a regional scale as a member of the network Art Contemporain en Bretagne, which represents the actors in the field of visual and fine arts in the region and carries out-with a cooperative approach- the work of monitoring and observation, communication, support, and professional structuring.
◦ locally as a resident of Passerelle Centre d’art contemporain in Brest where its headquarters and offices are located. Together they have been developing the residency program Les Chantiers since 2013.
Since 2009, DDA has collaborated with the Frac Bretagne on the dissemination of artists from the Frac’s collection, who are documented on DDA; in particular, the team works on the creation and dissemination of artists’ files with the Frac’s documentation center, produces filmed portraits of artists, and collaborates regularly on public outreach and communication with Frac Bretagne.
Documents d’artistes Bretagne is a partner of la Marque Bretagne, which is a regional brand that works to make Brittany attractive.
In order to expand its work and to allow private actors to participate in the construction of the artistic landscape of the region, DDA Bretagne has a policy of sponsorship. As a non-profit association, it offers one-time or long-term partnerships to companies wishing to support contemporary creation and to be part of a regional artistic dynamic. The patrons benefit from tax abatements and a set of tailor-made benefits (meetings with artists, visibility on social media…). For more information, please contact us.
Institutional Partners

Web architecture and development: Silex Taille Numérique
API design and development: Tayeb Bayri
Graphic design: Vincent de Chavanes
IT outsourcing: L - U - M - I
Translation: Jane Freiman
Contributors to the site: We thank the authors, writers and photographers who contributed to the realization of the documentary collection by authorizing the diffusion of texts or photographic reproductions of works on the site.
Credits and legal information