signalstörung (interférence de signal)
Vues de l’exposition collective wandeln, Galerie Nadan, Berlin, 2024
Commissaires : Qin Yan & Linhan Yu

Impressions numériques, 84,1 x 59,4 cm, 2019/24

Photocopies, monotypes, 29,7 x 21 cm, 2024
Photos : Galerie Nadan
Transformations are a widespread phenomenon in the contemporary art world. They encompass the reshaping of materials, the metamorphosis of forms, structures, or spaces, as well as the depiction of processes of change. The exhibition Wandeln showcases paintings, sculptures, and installations by six international artists, whose works initiate a process of media transformation, where the concepts of “automatic,” “automated,” and “autonomous” are interwoven into a web of reflections…
Extrait du communiqué de presse d’exposition à la Galerie Nadan