Beyond the mask : Masquerade
Beyond the mask : Masquerade

Beyond the Mask : Masquerade, 2015
_Visite guidée performée d’environ 20 minutes écrite, mise en scène et chorégraphiée lors d’une résidence de recherche et de production au Sainsbury Centre for Visual Arts à Norwich, Angleterre._
In February 2015, Sylvie Ungauer spent three weeks at the Sainsbury Centre for Visual Arts in Norwich, England, at a research and production residency. During it, she wrote, directed and choreographed an event titled Beyond The Mask: Masquerade , which took the form of a guided visit throughout Norman Foster’s building :
” I’ve created a text based on histories collected from users of the SCAV, to shed light not only on the history of this place, but also on how it is informed by what people say about it. Museography is developed in the “Living Area”, as with collectors. The exhibition is easy to have access to, but it gets rid of all the historical and political complexity of the ethnographical objects which are mixed in with the modern western artworks. It was a matter of getting a “non-practiced narrative” heard, and creating a circuit throughout the building, with breaks and pauses which I’ve called “stations”. In eight “tableaux”, the characters incarnated by dancers appear in costumes and masks. Invariably in a group, they take an autonomous itinerary and place themselves in space during the visit conducted by two guides. Strange, silent visitors, defying the public’s gaze, they embark on a dialogue with objects on view and with the furniture. I really did have the feeling of having composed a common world for 30 minutes in that magnificent venue of the Sainsbury Centre of Visual Arts, on 20 February 2015, at 7 pm.”
Capture d’écran de la performance filmée ” Beyond the Mask : Masquerade “, _Février 2015
_Sainsbury Centre for Visual Arts à Norwich, Angleterre__
_Entretien vidéo de Sylvie Ungauer réalisé par Matthew Robinson : Beyond the Mask residency, Sainsbury Centre for Visual arts, Février 2015_