The forms she proposes are the result of the interrelationship between the realm of the sensible and the theories, predictive or descriptive, developed over thousands of years to describe the world (geometry, geology, meteorology, thermodynamics, chaos theory or elementary physics, etc.). By using science in an empirical way, without numbers or equations, she induces a poetic reading of the mechanics of landscapes and more generally of the physical phenomena that construct everyday space, universal or anthropogenic. Since 2022, she has focused her research on time and its occurrences, producing calendar sculptures that question our common representations of the temporal, between astronomical and natural, […]
The forms she proposes are the result of the interrelationship between the realm of the sensible and the theories, predictive or descriptive, developed over thousands of years to describe the world (geometry, geology, meteorology, thermodynamics, chaos theory or elementary physics, etc.). By using science in an empirical way, without numbers or equations, she induces a poetic reading of the mechanics of landscapes and more generally of the physical phenomena that construct everyday space, universal or anthropogenic. Since 2022, she has focused her research on time and its occurrences, producing calendar sculptures that question our common representations of the temporal, between astronomical and natural, intimate and universal phenomena.