Constructions de terrain(s)
A carver/engraver/gatherer as he describes himself , as well as a tireless roamer, sculptor, gleaner, collector and so on and so forth , Stéfan Tulépo patiently makes his way along the path of a constructive poetics of material and form, brimming with little attentions and imbued with a (re)creative sense of humour. Navigating between the Villa Rohannec’h a former ship-owner’s house built in the early 20th century and gradually turned into a creative centre for artistic and cultural exchanges and the Valais cabins humble holiday houses built from the 1950s onwards, overlooking the only beach in Saint-Brieuc: this is how Stéfan Tulépo occupied most of his time and space, and was able to work at leisure with whatever he had at hand , engaged in a permanent toing and froing between the inside and the outside, architecture and the landscape, and culture and nature.
Anne-Lou Vicente, 2018