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exposition collective Tomber sous le vent,
CAN, centre d'art de Neuchâtel, Suisse
Projet d'échange avec Passerelle Centre d'art contemporain, Brest
initié par Martin Jakob et Nicolas Raufaste

Exhibitions views Tomber sous le vent, CAN, Art Center of Neuchвtel, Switzerland
Exchange project with Passerelle Contemporary Art Center, Brest, initiated by Martin Jakob and Nicolas Raufaste

Sorry we’re closed, 2016
Painting, pizza cartons and furniture

Infinite variations allow us to advance indefinitely, _2016 Shelves, cacti, yuccas, ceramic jars

Two similar botanical compositions without being identical echo each other in the exhibition space.

Footwork (Certain paths only appear once those already known have been thoroughly exhausted), 2016
Mismatched paired shoes