

Babel composition


Babel composition

Babel composition
Babel composition
Babel composition
Babel composition
Babel composition
Babel composition
Babel composition

Babel composition, 2005 12 canevas of 20 x 20 cm + 1 key card in a cardboard box
Canevas, cotton, cardboard
Commande de la Médiathèque de St jean de Braye (45)
Photo : Sylvie Ungauer

Referring to Jorge Luis Borges’ book “Fictions” , the readers of the media library in St Jean de Braye are the story-tellers of this work which is placed among the shelves of the library. This group work is written using the latest statistics recorded by the librarians. The computerized data produces a repetitive and encoded motif that takes the form of handwoven tapestries. The canvas, on which the work is produced, recalls the pixels of digital imagery and the time needed for needlework, for writing.